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Quality RTOS & Embedded Software

New FreeRTOS Long Term Support version released
Simplifying Authenticated Cloud Connectivity for Any Device.
Designing an energy efficient and cloud-connected IoT solution with CoAP.
Introducing FreeRTOS Kernel version 11.0.0:
FreeRTOS Roadmap and Code Contribution process.

FreeRTOS Lab Libraries


FreeRTOS Labs projects are functional but either incomplete, experimental, or simply provided for open source community interest. The banner on the documentation page of each Labs library describes which criteria applies to that library.

See all library categories.



A buildable project and documentation article demonstrating the use of LoRaWAN with FreeRTOS.

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POSIX threading wrapper for the FreeRTOS kernel’s native API. Implements a subset of the POSIX threading API.

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Thread aware FAT file system — with optional long file names, caching, and directory name hashing.

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MCUBoot is a configurable secure bootloader maintained by several industry leaders, with support for cryptographic verification of software images.

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Delta Over-the-Air Updates

Delta Over-the-Air Updates reduce the size of the OTA update by sending only the binary difference (binary diff) between the firmware currently running on the device and the new firmware, instead of sending the complete firmware image.

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