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Introducing FreeRTOS Kernel version 11.0.0:
FreeRTOS Roadmap and Code Contribution process.
NOTE: This API has been deprecated from FreeRTOS V4.0.0 onwards. Please refer to FreeRTOS_SetEndPointConfiguration for the new APIs supporting IPv6, Multiple Endpoints and Multiple interfaces. To use the deprecated APIs please set ipconfigIPv4_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE to 1 in the FreeRTOSIPConfig.h header file.


[FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP API Reference]


void FreeRTOS_SetIPAddress( uint32_t ulIPAddress );

This function can be used to update the IPv4 address of the first IPv4 endpoint used by the FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP device after the TCP stack has already been initialized with a call to FreeRTOS_IPInit_Multi(). It will have no effect if an IPv4 endpoint cannot be found.



The 32-bit IPv4 address, in network endian order, which the device should use. FreeRTOS_htonl can be used to get the network endian representation of the 32-bit IP address.


This function is not thread safe and should be used with the taskENTER_CRITICAL/taskEXIT_CRITICAL pair. A call to this function should be made only when there is no active connection (either UDP or TCP), or else that connection will be severed.

Example usage:

The following code snippet shows how to use FreeRTOS_SetIPAddress.

void vUserTask( void *pvParameters )
/* 32-bit representation of */
uint32_t ulHostEndianIPAddress = 0xC0A8010C;
uint32_t ulNetworkEndianIPAddress = FreeRTOS_htonl( ulHostEndianIPAddress );
/* 32-bit representation of */
uint32_t ulHostEndianGatewayAddress = 0xC0A80101;
uint32_t ulNetworkEndianGatewayAddress = FreeRTOS_htonl( ulHostEndianGatewayAddress );
uint32_t ulHostEndianNetmask = 0xFFFFFF00;
uint32_t ulNetworkEndianNetmask = FreeRTOS_htonl( ulHostEndianNetmask );
BaseType_t xUserWantsToUpdateIP = pdFALSE;
BaseType_t xUserWantsToUpdateNetmask = pdFALSE;
BaseType_t xUserWantsToUpdateGateway = pdFALSE;

/* Ignore compiler warnings about unused variables. */
( void ) pvParameters;

for( ; ; )
/* Execute some code. */

* .

* .


/* Note: Make sure that there are no active UDP/TCP conenctions. */

/* Check whether the user wants to update the IP address. */
if( xUserWantsToUpdateIP == pdTRUE )
/* Make sure that no other task can the current task while the

* IP-address is being set. */

/* Set the IP address of this device. */
FreeRTOS_SetIPAddress( ulNetworkEndianIPAddress );
/* Exit critical section. */

/* Check whether the user wants to update the IP netmask. */
if( xUserWantsToUpdateNetmask == pdTRUE )
/* Make sure that no other task can the current task while the

* IP-address is being set. */

/* Set the IP netmask of this device. */
FreeRTOS_SetNetmask( ulNetworkEndianNetmask );
/* Exit critical section. */

/* Check whether the user wants to update the gateway address. */
if( xUserWantsToUpdateGateway == pdTRUE )
/* Make sure that no other task can the current task while the

* IP-address is being set. */

/* Set the IP netmask of this device. */
FreeRTOS_SetGetwayAddress( ulNetworkEndianGatewayAddress );
/* Exit critical section. */
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