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FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI Input and Output Using a TCP Socket
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP and FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Examples

Not all demo projects will include this example. If this example is included in a demo project then it may be necessary to set mainCREATE_TCP_CLI_TASKS to 1 at the top of the project's main.c source file to include the CLI in the build.

The example creates a FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI command console that uses a TCP port for its input and output, and can be connected to using a basic telnet client. Note the basic example implementation is primarily a dumb terminal, and does not implement terminal control codes over and above backspace and delete.

The telnet client built into desktop operating systems offers a convenient connection method, as demonstrated in the image below. Enter 'quit' to close a session.

Connecting to then using the RTOS telnet like server
First connecting to the CLI, then running the 'help' command
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