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Quality RTOS & Embedded Software

New FreeRTOS Long Term Support version released
Simplifying Authenticated Cloud Connectivity for Any Device.
Designing an energy efficient and cloud-connected IoT solution with CoAP.
Introducing FreeRTOS Kernel version 11.0.0:
FreeRTOS Roadmap and Code Contribution process.

FreeRTOS Core Libraries


FreeRTOS Core libraries implement open standards based connectivity, security, and related functionality. These libraries are suitable for building smart microcontroller-based devices that connect to the cloud. Unlike the FreeRTOS-Plus libraries, FreeRTOS Core libraries have no dependencies other than on the standard C libraries, so FreeRTOS Core libraries are not dependent on the FreeRTOS RTOS kernel.

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A lightweight MQTT client implementation for IoT use cases. The coreMQTT Agent library (see below) creates a thread safe agent (or daemon) for the coreMQTT library.

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coreMQTT Agent

A thread safe agent (or daemon) for the coreMQTT library. The coreMQTT agent includes the coreMQTT library.

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A lightweight partial HTTP client implementation for IoT use cases.

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The coreSNTP library provides a client for the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) to allow devices to synchronize their system clocks with time servers. This library implements the SNTPv4 specification defined in RFC 4330.

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Transport Interface

Describes the network transport independent interface used by FreeRTOS Core application protocols, such as coreMQTT and coreHTTP

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A lightweight partial JSON parser that implements the ECMA-404 JSON standard.

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corePKCS #11

PKCS #11 an open standard cryptographic API layer (OASIS standard) that abstracts key storage, get/set properties for cryptographic objects, and session semantics. corePKCS is a software based mock implementation of a subset of the PKCS #11 application programming interface (API). It is provided to enable hardware independent rapid prototyping and development before switching to a security hardware specific implementation in production devices.

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FreeRTOS Cellular Interface Library

Provides an LTE CAT M-1 cellular interface for FreeRTOS. The download includes examples for several cellular modules.

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Modular Over the Air Updates

A Modular approach to perform Over the Air Updates on the devices.

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