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Fleet Provisioning Terminology

Fleet Provisioning

Workflow which creates resources so your devices and AWS IoT can communicate securely. Fleet Provisioning can create AWS IoT Things For more information, consult the AWS IoT docs on Device Provisioning.

Device Certificate

A device certificate is a credential associated with a specific device. Many devices are manufactured with device certificates already on them. When a device has a certificate already, it can be registered with AWS IoT. Otherwise, a device certificate can be obtained from AWS IoT. For more information on device certificates, consult the AWS IoT docs on Device Provisioning.

Provisioning Template

Provisioning templates describe the resources AWS IoT requires to provision your device. Templates contain variables that enable you to use one template to provision multiple devices. When you provision a device, you specify values for the variables specific to the device using a dictionary or map. To provision another device, specify new values in the dictionary.

Provisioning by Claim

A way to set up a device with AWS IoT using a claim certificate and private key. Devices can be manufactured with special-purpose credentials (a provisioning claim certificate and private key) embedded in them. If these certificates are registered with AWS IoT, the service can exchange them for unique device certificates that the device can use for regular operations. For more information on provisioning by claim, consult the AWS IoT docs.

Provisioning by Trusted User

A way to set up a device with AWS IoT using a trusted user’s access and permissions. For more information on provisioning by trusted user, consult the AWS IoT docs.

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