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Quality RTOS & Embedded Software

New FreeRTOS Long Term Support version released
Simplifying Authenticated Cloud Connectivity for Any Device.
Designing an energy efficient and cloud-connected IoT solution with CoAP.
Introducing FreeRTOS Kernel version 11.0.0:
FreeRTOS Roadmap and Code Contribution process.

FreeRTOS for AWS IoT


FreeRTOS for AWS libraries implement clients for AWS IoT specific value add cloud services, including over the air updates (OTA). These libraries are suitable for building smart microcontroller-based devices that connect to the AWS IoT cloud. Like the FreeRTOS core libraries, they have no dependencies on anything other than the standard C library, so are not dependent on the FreeRTOS RTOS kernel. See all library categories.



A library that manages notification, download, and verification of firmware updates for IoT devices.
Source code is now available in the AWS IoT Over-the-air Update github repository.

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AWS IoT Device Shadow

A library that manages a persistent, virtual representation of a device connected to AWS IoT.
Source code is now available in the AWS IoT Device Shadow github repository.

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AWS IoT Jobs

A service that notifies connected IoT devices of tasks, such as OTA updates.
Source code is now available in the AWS IoT Jobs github repository.

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AWS IoT Device Defender

Monitor security metrics from your connected devices.
Source code is now available as an independent repository in the AWS IoT Device Defender github repository.

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AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning

Provision new IoT devices without device certificates.
Source code is now available as an independent repository in the AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning github repository.

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AWS Signature Version 4

Generate a signature and authorization header that complies with the AWS Signature Version 4 signing process.
Source code is now available as an independent repository in the AWS Signature Version 4 github repository.

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AWS IoT Core MQTT File Streams Embedded C

This library provides functionality to initialize the file streams downloader, create the request for file blocks and decode the received file blocks. Source code is now available as an independent repository in the AWS IoT Core MQTT File Streams Embedded C github repository.

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Reference Integrations

AWS Quick Connect

Quick Connect demos make it simple to setup and connect a partner provided, FreeRTOS qualified board to AWS IoT, all in the space of a few minutes. These demos can be used for non-production applications to explore the IoT space.
For more information, refer to AWS Quick Connect Demos page.

Featured FreeRTOS IoT Integrations

Featured FreeRTOS IoT integrations are pre-configured projects that demonstrate best practices to make IoT device software more secure and robust. These integrations are designed for improved security using a combination of FreeRTOS software and a partner-provided board with hardware security features.
For more information, refer to the Featured FreeRTOS IoT Integrations page.

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