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New FreeRTOS Long Term Support version released
Simplifying Authenticated Cloud Connectivity for Any Device.
Designing an energy efficient and cloud-connected IoT solution with CoAP.
Introducing FreeRTOS Kernel version 11.0.0:
FreeRTOS Roadmap and Code Contribution process.

Static IP Address

It has already been noted that each network node has an IP address. If the IP address is 'static' then it is pre-assigned and never changed.

In the FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP API, before calling FreeRTOS_IPInit_Multi, you need to add an IPv4 address as an endpoint using FreeRTOS_FillEndPoint or an IPv6 address using FreeRTOS_FillEndPoint_IPv6 as one of its parameters. The Endpoints/IP address will be used as a static IP address if ipconfigUSE_DHCP or ipconfigUSE_DHCPv6 is set to 0 or if ipconfigUSE_DHCP or ipconfigUSE_DHCPv6 is set to 1 but a DHCP server cannot be contacted.

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